Friday, September 04, 2009

Let Them Eat Dirt

This may offend some of my friends who are parents.


I believe that one of the (possible) reasons that the H1N1 virus is so much tougher on kids is that the cultural shift of the last generation toward what some might call "overprotection".

Those of us who grew up in the 60's and 70's were out running around all summer, biking without helmets, drinking from garden hoses, bathing infrequently (some of us, anyway) and in general...well, eating dirt (whether we realized it or not. Three-second rule, anyone?).

These days, from the outside looking in, it seems that some parents go to extreme lengths to make sure that everyone and everything around their kids is sanitized, sterilized and free of any potential harmful agents.

As with many other things in life (disappointment, failure, loss, etc.), isn't it possible that exposing a child to the real world will actually prepare said child for...well, the real world?

Or am I just crazy from eating all that dirt?

3 comment(s):

painted maypole

You are SO RIGHT ON. I try to eschew hand sanitizer and anitbacterial soap for these very reasons. Many many studies have shown that being so germ-o-phobic is creating a generation of kids with immune systems that can't handle germs when they encounter them.

I also use it as a good excuse for my lacadasical housekeeping. ;)

And maybe that's why MQ is so darn healthy... that kid rarely gets sick (oh, watch... now that I've posted that she'll come down with swine flu tomorrow)


Could. not. agree. more.

Say it!


Wow...thanks! It's a relief to hear this from moms that I like and respect!

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